What is Ovarian Torsion?
Ovarian torsion is a condition where the ovary twists on its attachment to the uterus. It can cause pain in your lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting, difficulty eating or moving around. If you have these symptoms it may be that your ovary has twisted and needs surgical intervention. Ovarian cysts are often associated with this condition as well which can make diagnosis more difficult because they may not show up on an ultrasound scan of the pelvis. Laparoscopy is used to diagnose ovarian torsion by looking at all of the pelvic organs so if you suspect that there might be something wrong then go see a doctor right away!
Can ovarian torsion resolve itself?
If you suspect your patient might have ovarian torsion, they will need laparoscopy surgery where they make small incisions in their abdomen so they can see inside and diagnose what's wrong with them more accurately. They will also likely need some type of treatment such as removing an ovary or fallopian tube due to cancerous cells or removing excess tissue from the uterus if there was infection causing inflammation leading up to the development of scar tissue (adhesions).
Ovarian torsion is a condition in which the ovary twists on its pedicle, or stalk. This can lead to severe pain and other complications such as nausea, vomiting, fever and infertility. Symptoms may also include abdominal swelling and pelvic pressure. The most common symptom is pain that worsens with movement; however it’s possible for there to be no symptoms at all (asymptomatic). If left untreated, ovarian torsion can lead to serious health problems including: damage to organs in the abdomen like bowel obstruction or bladder rupture; bleeding from ruptured blood vessels; infection around an inflamed ovary called peritonitis; permanent damage to reproductive organs like fallopian tubes or uterus if they twist too far off their normal position
The following terms were mentioned: Fallopian tube - Pregnancy - Cancer - Uterus - Laparoscopy- Ovary- Ovarian cyst- Nausea- Surgery
What is the treatment for ovarian torsion?
Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon makes small incisions around the navel and inserts a thin, lighted tube with a camera on one end. The surgeon can then see inside of the patient's abdomen. This type of surgery is used to diagnose problems like ovarian torsion because it allows for better visualization than other types of surgeries do. If there are any abnormalities found during this process, such as an ovarian cyst or cancerous tumor, they can be removed right away before causing further damage to organs like the uterus or fallopian tubes. Laparotomy is another type of surgery where surgeons make large cuts across your belly button and use their hands instead of instruments through these openings to examine you internally for signs of disease or infection.