If you’ve been wondering about whether you have low T, then you might want to look into what you can do about it. Low testosterone isn’t something you have to live with—you can do something about it.
We posted an article about signs you might have low testosterone, and if any of that article rings alarm bells, then you’ve come to the right place, here. I’ll take you through some common misconceptions about low T, and then answer some questions about how it’s caused. After that, we’ll cover what we can do about it.
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Myths About Low T
Some things we read on the internet are just untrue. Shocking news, I know. But when it comes to male health, there are a lot of scare tactics to get us as consumers to jump on the next fad. In our product reviews we link to actual science, and zero risk supplements.
One myth we want to tackle about Low T is that there’s nothing we can do about it. Our bodies are complex machines, but they are not closed systems. That means that what we put into them can change them, from the inside out. So if you’ve been suffering some of the effects of lower testosterone, don’t worry: you can change it.
The second myth we need to debunk is that low T is all about getting older. Plenty of men in their fifties and sixties have healthy T levels, and then there are men in their thirties and even twenties with low testosterone.
A common link between these two myths is that we can take some control back. The reason some younger men have low T is that they’re actively sabotaging their own health. Meanwhile, older men are seizing the opportunities they have to keep their male health going. And that’s what we’re going to talk about next.
What’s Causing Low T
Enemies of testosterone are all around us, in the modern world. Everything from the foods we eat to the environment we live in can cause low testosterone. Yes, some lower testosterone comes from getting older—time gets us all in the end. But in the meantime, and even into our later years, we can still do something about it.
We recently wrote a lengthy article about some foods to avoid if you’re worried about lower T. These include licorice root, spearmint and peppermint, animal fats, and processed carbs.
The reasons are pretty diverse, but the fact is that some foods actually attack our testosterone. One key to avoiding low T is to ban those foods from our diets.
Lack of Exercise
Our bodies respond to stimuli. If we get an electric shock, we pull away. Lack of exercise is a stimulus, in a way, because when we’re still for long periods our bodies stop producing testosterone and stop metabolizing protein.
If we spend too much time on the couch, our body gets the message that we don’t want or need our testosterone anymore. Only getting up can fix that issue.
As men, many of us don’t really want to talk about how we’re feeling. But the fact is that our moods are reflected by and sometimes caused by hormones in our brains. Serotonin and dopamine will drop dramatically when we’re in depressive states, and both of those hormones are toxic to testosterone.
Another hormone, cortisol, can inhibit T production and metabolism. Cortisol is released when we’re under stress. Translation: higher stress means lower T.
What We Can Do About Low T
The good news about all the things that cause lower testosterone is that we can do something about all of them.
Foods that Boost Testosterone
Not only can we stay away from bad foods, but there’s a list of foods that we can incorporate into our daily routine that are great for boosting total T.
By changing out some of the testosterone killers for boosters, you could see some changes to your mood, drive, energy, and performance.
One of the biggest triggers for testosterone production is exercise. That’s because when we engage our muscles, especially in any weight training or HIIT program, we tell our body we need more muscle-building materials. That means protein, and it means testosterone.
There are some great supplements to get you fired up about your new workout routine, and will help you build the muscle you need to get your T production going.
Another benefit of exercise is that it will reduce body fat levels. Storing body fat tells our body to increase other hormone production over testosterone. There are some great fat burners on the market just for men that will work hand-in-glove with increasing your total T.Mood
It may seem like an odd inclusion on a testosterone boosting supplement label, but a number of the absolute best products we’ve researched have ingredients to help reduce stress and improve dopamine and serotonin levels.
Best practice
In the end, the best advice is a balanced approach. We recommend taking testosterone boosters in some cases because they actually work. Combined with better exercise, diet, and improved mood, the right supplement can mean the difference between ever-declining total T, or a whole new you.
Check your goals, and see where you want to be in a year. Improving your testosterone health could be the key to checking a lot of boxes, and the right routine can get you there.
Yes, you can. You should be careful to manage expectations, though. You don’t want to go back to being a teenager overnight, but you can reestablish the healthiest testosterone levels with the right plan.
Absolutely. If we think of our bodies like cars, everything we put in matters. From steering fluid to oil, from gas to brake pads, the quality of every product can make a difference. Take out the bad food, put in the good.
The short answer is yes! But check your product labels. We only review the most effective products with scientific backing, but not every site is so careful.